SafeHaven Assistive Care offers products and services that provide solutions for independent seniors and disabled persons, who want to stay at home. Most people are likely to agree that there isn't any price that can be placed on the peace of mind that comes from knowing that help is always at hand. This is also true for family members who can be reasured that their elderly loved one is never all alone. One way we are improving the quality of their lives, is by providing a signaling device that promotes a safer environment in the privacy of their own homes.

SafeHavens Monitoring Service can prove invaluable when someone is injured, becomes ill or even just disoriented and confused. Anyone who is alone for at least part of the day, is recovering from surgery, or has a high-risk medical condition could appreciate the value of SafeHavens PERS System. Our services allows for such ones to maintain the privacy and independence that they would otherwise lose in a more restrictive, more institutional and more expensive facility outside their homes. In the event of an emergency, a professionaly trained emergency specialist will dispatch Paramedics, Fire Department or Police. They will also inform family and/or friends, as needed. Many of our customers have discovered this service to be literal lifesaver.

A one time set-up and programming fee of $50.00 plus monthly @$34.95 (or quarterly payment @$29.95) subscription includes Monitoring Service costs and lthe lease of equipment, SafeHaven is, also Medicaid Approved for those who qualify.

Contact SafeHaven Assistive Care today and find out how SafeHaven is KEEPING INDEPENDENT SENIORS SAFE (K.I.S.S).


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